At PreethiArts, we recreate your favorite paintings in their original form, offering a wide range of sizes to suit your needs. Explore our collection here: PreethiArts Custom Art.
Please Note:
- We do not accept orders for recreating other artists' work.
- Customizations are limited to sizes and minor color adjustments for PreethiArts' original artwork.
Artwork Sizing:
- Use the drop-down menu to select from multiple dimensions (up to 10 ft).
- Can’t find your perfect size? Submit a request here: Contact Us.
Important Details:
- Each artwork is handmade, not a digital print.
- Recreated paintings may vary slightly due to differences in brushstrokes, textures, and lighting, but the quality and beauty remain consistent.
Bulk Orders:
- We accept bulk orders for the same or different artworks.
- Creation time for bulk orders exceeds 7 weeks depending on volume and material availability. Contact us for details.
Order Cancellations:
- Orders can be canceled at any stage. A 10% fee applies if canceled after completion and approval.
- Unclaimed commissioned works will be made available for sale in the open market or galleries.